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Wilkins, Breezy & Robitaille Lakes
June 26, 2024

It's always nice when a day hike in the Park provides an opportunity to see several lakes. In this case we were able to get to three lakes by using the cart trail to Wilkins Lk and the portages to Breezy and Robitaille. We parked at the clearing a short distance from Park boundary at the start of the cart trail.

Our route -- orange line. Map courtesy of Maps by Jeff

Start of the cart trail

The first part of the trail is more like a road than a trail.

Arrival at the Park boundary -- those marks on the signs are the result of 3 shotgun blasts.

The cart trail has been washed out at this point. Due to the heavy rainfall over the previous weekend there was a lot of water flowing through this area, but it is not difficult to get around the washout.

Aylen River

Bridge over the Aylen River -- I've got the hood up for some extra protection from the deer flies.

Forest along the cart trail

The cart trail brings you to the southeast corner of Wilkins. However, instead of going to the lake at this point we continued on in a northerly direction on an old logging road to reach the portage between Wilkins and Breezy. There are trees down over the trail but it is not completely grown over yet. There is a yellow portage sign indicating you have reached the portage.

Portage between Wilkins and Breezy

It looks as though the portage has been worked on fairly recently -- there are no trees lying across the trail.

Arrival at Breezy Lk

Start of the portage from Breezy to Wilkins

Bushwhacking along Breezy toward the one campsite on the lake.

Moss covered terrain

The campsite on Breezy -- deep water below the outcrop. There are several grills beside the firepit and a frying pan hanging on a nearby tree.


We made our way around Breezy to the start of the 695m portage to Robitaille

Put-in at Robitaille Lk -- on the west shore

Those who are familiar with Robitaille will recognize the rockface on the far shore.

We made our way back to Breezy and the portage to Wilkins Lk, and then south on the logging road to the cart trail.

The cart trail ends on a steep slope as you approach Wilkins Lk

Wilkins Lake -- there is a campsite on the point in front of us. We didn't see any paddlers or campers on any of the lakes.

Another view of Wilkins Lk

It's 4 km back to our starting point

Some of the plants along the route... Blue Flag Iris

Red Elderberry

Chaga -- a fungus that grows on trees, especially birch trees.  A black exterior with a yellow interior. Thought to have medicinal properties by some. 

Self Heal

Distance: 15.42 km    Duration: 5 hrs  21 min

Elevation: 236 m / 404 m

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